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Snellen's Slaves

He sounds so queer whenever he says she's beautiful. Deep inside, she is all simpers. Her eyes reveal such spectre. He excavates, not only her soul, he also sets deep into her wee-lashed orbs. He sees into her lenses. And that is the sole reason why his queer tone cannot be covert. Their designated universes befittingly hover throughout their sense of vision. They see through their nerve endings.

Those eyes of hers, though altered in refraction, search only him, see only him.
To her, he also is comely.

And forever inside-out, you will always be my fancy.

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Eяin Heяoin


I think you already knew how to see the real beauty of a woman eh?

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Snellen's Slaves

He sounds so queer whenever he says she's beautiful. Deep inside, she is all simpers. Her eyes reveal such spectre. He excavates, not only her soul, he also sets deep into her wee-lashed orbs. He sees into her lenses. And that is the sole reason why his queer tone cannot be covert. Their designated universes befittingly hover throughout their sense of vision. They see through their nerve endings.

Those eyes of hers, though altered in refraction, search only him, see only him.
To her, he also is comely.

And forever inside-out, you will always be my fancy.

1 comment:

  1. I think you already knew how to see the real beauty of a woman eh?
